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Transforming my anxiety into creative energy.

Experiencing debilitating anxiety regularly can become all consuming, however I recently discovered it only consumes as much of you as you allow it to. It's time for some creativity baby.

painting brushes

Welcome to my space; where negative energy becomes a story to be told, evidence-based blogs, and my tips and tools for journeying through the beautiful chaos that is life.

A Vow to Myself

“This year, allow yourself to feel it all; the lows, the highs, the happy and the sad. Then turn it into the creative beauty and magic you love. ”

Completing an Bachelor in Exercise Science, soon to be endeavoring in my Masters of Clinical Human Nutrition, I am undoubtedly a complete sucker for research and evidence. But my creative heart is starving. Low and behold By Ange., a space for me to share my thoughts and passions, to inspire and educate whilst working through my anxiety and mindfulness journey.

Channeling The Inner Blues.

Having dabbled in a vast array of mindfulness practices; from water painting, to gardening, to pottery and meditation, it has become blatantly clear that my mind does not want to quieten. She yearns to express her words and her experiences. My desire to write, what I believe to be one of the finest forms of art, grows exponentially with my anxious mind. We all have stories to tell, experiences to share and in doing so we de-clutter our mind, allowing space for more. There is beauty in pain, a saying I have always admired and resonated with. Pain is a symptom, a phenomenon experienced by an individual. And it is exactly that, a phenomenon, just as we are taught to recognise and understand what makes us feel happy and sad, we should too strive to delve deeper into our pain. Where attention goes, energy flows, and with ever-flowing energy, we are unstoppable.

Stop Getting in Your Own Way.

We are our own harshest critics, our toughest fights to overcome. Especially when anxiety comes into play. That little devil that sits on your shoulder, lavishing in all the remarks and blatant judgements both you and society exude, he/she will stop you from creating, loving, seeking, and just being.

The scariest part of channeling this negative energy, is becoming aware of it. By doing this, we unleash all the deep, eerie feelings we all so cleverly bottle up and tuck away in our best efforts not to seem vulnerable, attention seeking, or just not enough. Let it out. Be vulnerable, get comfortable feeling uncomfortable, this is where the magic happens. Channel this energy into any thing you desire; whether that be finally starting your blog, creating music, studying, travelling, photography, the options are endless. So reach for the stars baby.

Get Inspired

Ask yourself this; What sets your heart on fire? What do you ache for when you wake up in the morning, when you fall asleep at night, when you are with your best people and dreaming up a storm? This is where you transform, direct those flames to THAT fire. You will be amazed at just how much you are capable of.

-Love always, Ange. xx


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